Of madness.
But in all seriousness, I might post some reasonable content in a couple of days once I get my shit together. Sorry for my absence to all the true fans out there (nope, didn't think so).
But for now, I am making a request: nominees.
Nominees for what?
Mustache supremacy. That's right... you see where this is going. If not, well then my upcoming post will just give you that much more excitement.
So please, send me* the names (and possibly photographic evidence... the Flying Spaghetti Monster only knows how much I like that sort of thing) of those who you feel best (or perhaps worst) represent the filth that is Movember/CIS. Please consider the following categories**:
AUS ("out East", lobsters)
RSEQ (Quebec-land, poutine)
OUA (Centre of the Universe, suburbia)
CanWest (Left of Thunder Bay, dragons???)
Rookie of the Year
*acceptable means include in person, blog comments, 3:30 AM drunk telephone calls, or pigeon carriers.
**not an exhaustive list; I don't like to show my cards.
EDIT: I am incapable of getting my shit together; expect a report on this after the event...