I had this overpowering urge to do a top 10 list. I was going to do "top 10 creeping moments of 2010", but had difficulty locating 10 non-incriminating screen captures.
"But Gogs, why would you worry about incriminating evidence? Everyone knows you're the biggest creep around."
However, one my fundamental principles is that no one is allowed to know what I creep, lest it get creeped. So obviously that particular "top 10" was a bust.
Instead, I bring you "Speedgoggles' top 5 Halloween costumes of ALL-TIME (of all-time?)" (10 is a stretch since I didn't develop a deviant personality until age 8).
5) "The King of Cardboard Boxes". 2002

"WTF?!" you may ask. I might also ask that. I have no answers. I was a weird kid.
Tip: if you plan on trick-or-treating avoid this one... it's difficult to abuse self-serve candy stations when you can't bend at the waist.
4) disheveled drag queen. 2007.

This one confused a lot of people for different reasons. Old people didn't know what I was. Young people were unsure of my actual gender. Those in between might have wondered whether I was inadvertently mocking drag queens and the LGTB community at large (false).
At any rate, I credit my success to sock stuffing, in various locations.
3) Columbia from RHPS. 2009.

Went to the midnight showing, of course. Even got snapped for the local newspaper. NBD.
I'm not sure whether it was worth the hundreds of hours spent sequining various articles of clothing though, so this one loses points.
2) Boy George. 2008.

Solid runner-up. I was one of the few runners in Sarnia who attempted to bamboozle candy with an actual, legit costume. Also, when our team was seated by the bar in East Mario's, I got to chill with some dude dressed up as Axl Rose. Only our coach realized why this was funny. That stuff doesn't happen in real life (Axl Rose would obviously want to kick Boy George's ass).
Side-note: this was "what was up" with the Culture Club video clue that I posted earlier.
1) Speedgoggles. 2010.
photo as posted in "This is... legitimate Speedgoggles"
Some people said this one was weak, since it wasn't even a costume. I disagree; how many people can say that they spent the better part of 8 months on their costume?
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